Monday 21 March 2011

Rebecca Black... No thank-you, please

Rebecca Black does nothing for me. This great article from The Guardian pretty much fills you in on all you need to know about her and takes the right sort of angle too, the actual facts rather than the head-over-heels obsession the rest of the internet seems to have gone for in regards to her.

Ok, fair enough if she floats your boat. We all have to get our laughs somewhere. But for me, Rebecca Black holds no merit. She's a poor singer, the song is awful and most importantly of all, she isn't funny. I see nothing funny in a bad singer. Some might say 'But what about The X Factor?' - but that's different. There, the bad singers are presented as part of a mixed palate; the good with the bad. Also, the bad singers are given their 15 seconds, then swiftly ushered off-stage, whereas Rebecca Black has achieved worldwide fame.

I guess what I find so frustrating is partly that she has achieved fame for being bad. In the ever-competitive music industry, there's incredibly talented singers out there that'd kill for the kind of hyper-fame Rebecca has. Yet, defying logic, it is the bad singer with the awful song that is handed fame on a plate.

Also, it's the 'OMG she's hilarious!' attitude people seem to be approaching her with that annoys me. Really, is a bad singer that funny? Rebecca is hardly the first. It seems part of a cruel world that so much 'comedy' can stem for a young girl who probably doesn't know what the hell is going on. This is comedy of the dumbest kind; there's no wit or clever-ness to it, not even the charm of lad-ish toilet humour. No, this is just cheap laughs at the expense of another person.

The other thing I don't like is that Rebecca gives the ever-present rock music mafia additional ammo to hurl at pop music. They'll say 'Look at this cheap, awful track. It shows the state of music today. Pop sucks!' - But of course, Rebecca isn't pop - Friday is purely a novelty song. I'd even hesitate at calling it 'music'. It cannot be approached seriously. And as all true pop fans know, good pop tracks are worth ten-billion Friday's... any-day of the week.

Ultimately, Rebecca Black just represents another flash-in-the-pan internet trend, but it is frustrating to see something so fundamentally bad getting so many laughs.

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