Friday 17 June 2011

(Video) Lady Gaga - The Edge Of Glory

I think, like most people, I'm rather confused by Lady Gaga's current release schedule. Her new single (can we really call it 'new'?) has been out for yonks now, since before the album came out even. It's charted highly already, yet now, weeks later, Gaga puts out a video for it.

What will this do? Sell a few more copies? Maybe a lot more? Probably. But the feeling is that this is more about Gaga doing what's made a career out of, making an 'artistic statement'.

Perhaps it's surprising then that The Edge Of Glory is incredibly straightforward in comparison to her last two videos. In a way it's refreshing, a return to the feel of the Pokerface/Just Dance videos, where Gaga looks relatively normal, and just larks about a bit, dancing around a small set.

In this case, it's a grimy night-time street scene - and it all looks very retro; those house fronts/fire escapes that seemed all the rage in music videos back in the 80s and early 90s. Literally everyone seemed to be busting a move off them.

Personally, I quite like the video. Gaga looks good in it, and the lighting and tone is all rather nice. It suits the song. But what takes away from this video the most though is that you can watch the first minute of it, and in that minute, pretty much see all there is to see here. There is no development, nothing happens later on. And for someone of such grand visions as Gaga, it seems quite surprising.

And to be quite honest, I'm still loving Judas. Now there's a music video and a half.

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