Friday 15 April 2011

Lady Gaga - Judas

For a track as eagerly awaited as Lady Gaga's new single, it was only fitting that it should sneak oh-so subtly onto iTunes - read for download - while a nation held their breath from a radio premiere. Gaga's most epic track to date, Judas centres around an absolutely immense euro-pop chorus that stands on a par with Bad Romance. It's strength is in channeling all the best bits of said song but re-injecting them into a massive industrial dance stomper.

When Gaga talked about the track being 'metal-techno' that's exactly what it sounds like. The beat is fucking insane. That really is the only way to describe it. And if it sounds this good on the radio, just imagine it in a club. WOW. It takes the already phenomenal power of Born This Way and multiplies it by a billion. You wouldn't think it was possible, but there Gaga goes, breaking the rules of pop yet again. With songs like this, she really does have the world in the palm of her hand - Judas representing the culmination of everything that is brilliant about her.

Whether it's the heartfelt refrains of 'I'm in love with Ju-u-u-das' or the random screams where it sounds like she's being electrocuted, there's an eerie and irresistible beauty to the song. How can something so harsh and relentless be beautiful? Gaga makes it work. With her, all logic goes out of the window - Judas is a current of pure ecstasy being laced straight through your speakers and into your ears. It's a track that captures every facet of human nature jam packed into four minutes of jaw-droppingly good pop. It goes without saying Gaga stands in an absolute league of her own at the moment.

Hearing this for the first time, you're fixed to the spot, utterly transfixed - the second time you hear it, you want to dance til you drop.

With Judas, Gaga leaves you breathless, reeling, blown out of any sense of the rational world - but My God does it feel amazing.

Judas is out to download on iTunes now.

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