Tuesday 12 April 2011

Britney & Adele - Rolling Till The World Ends

Take two of the biggest tunes out at the moment and what do you get? An amazing mash-up. Of course, it's not that simple - and some clever soul has to put in all the leg-work coming up with the thing in the first place, but every so often everything will come together just right and you'll end up with an absolute gem like this.

As the first few bars of the Britney instrumental play, you're not quite sure what to expect. Then the Adele vocals kick in, and as with so many mash-ups, your initial reaction is one of trepidation. After hearing the originals so many times, this new configuration teases and confuses as you try to sort the two separate elements apart. But then you give in, sit back and enjoy... or rather, in this instance, get up and dance - for as the chorus hits, this mix is transformed. Flavoured as it might have been with vestiges of retro disco in its original form, the Adele track now becomes an out and out club banger.

You can't help but smile at how well the two tracks go together; the video splicing done here is pretty impressive too. I remember the awesome Take That / Eric Prydz mash-up from a few years ago, and this is right up there with that - clashing together two of the year's biggest hits in a melding of pop and dance. Wonderful.

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